
School Schedule

Details From To
Assembly 9.00 a.m 9.20 a.m
Morning session 9.20 a.m 12.30 p.m
Lunch Break 12.30 p.m 1.15 p.m
Afternoon Session 1.15 p.m 4.30 p.m

Morning Assembly

Education is not the learning of facts it’s rather the training of the mind to think! Our enthusiastic students are welcomed into the school sharply at 8.30a.m Regular academic work of the school is starting with an auspicious prayer at 9.05a.m at our antique auditorium. Morning Assembly is very precious for us. In order to enrich the memory power of our students, we have conducted poem recitation, quiz and Thirukkural recitation. Moral values are insisted through “Thought for the day “. Hot and important news are given to know the world around them. Various activities in English enable the students to develop their knowledge of English. Every Friday, we have given moral, social and legendary stories that inspire their career. Sharing of achievements in curricular, co-curricular and sports motivates our children. Prayer song, Flag song, National Pledge and National Anthem enlightened the integrity among us.

Working Hours

Details From To
Prayer 9.00 a.m 9.20 a.m
I Period 9.20 a.m 10.05 a.m
II Period 10.05 a.m 10.50 a.m
Interval 10.50 a.m 11.00 a.m
III Period 11.00 a.m 11.45 a.m
IV Period 11.45 a.m 12.30 p.m
Lunch Interval 12.30 p.m 1.15 p.m
V Period 1.15 p.m 2.00 p.m
VI Period 2.00 p.m 2.45 p.m
Interval 2.45 p.m 3.00 p.m
VII Period 3.00 p.m 3.45 p.m
VIII Period 3.45 p.m 4.30 p.m

Study Time

Details From To
Morning Study 8.00 a.m 9.20 a.m
Evening Study 4.45 p.m 5.45 p.m
Saturday 9.00 a.m 4.00 p.m



  • Skirt – Pink
  • Shirt – Pink with White checked
  • Overcoat – Pink
  • Ribbon – Red ( Tamil Medium )
  • Ribbon – White ( English Medium )
For IX – XII

  • Kameez – Pink
  • Salwar – Pink with White checked
  • Overcoat – Pink
  • Ribbon – Red ( Tamil Medium )
  • Ribbon – White ( English Medium )
For Games (Team Wise)

  • Canopus – Blue T- Shirt , Track Pant
  • Jupiter – Yellow T – Shirt,Track Pant
  • Sirius – Green T – Shirt, Track Pant
  • Venus – Red T – Shirt, Track Pant
  • Shoes & shocks – White