
Headmistress’s Message

Tmt. M.Amutha M.A.,B.Ed.,

It was all with a “noble mission” with which the great philanthropists of the town made this great institution came into existence. The School had its offspring in 1910 in a mango godown. Accommodating just 14 students, In 1947 it became a High School. After sweeping past decades in 1978 it was labelled as Higher Secondary School.The magnetic personalities instrumental for bringing the school to its Zenith were Miss T. Paul (1935- 1958)and Tmt. A.P. Jeyalakshmi (1958-1989). They were leading an army of enchanted Students. They imbibed virtuous qualities, discipline and courage.

The strength of the students is unimaginable. It crosses over 3300. Also, it increases every year Proportionately, the teachers’ enrolment increases. The Management is specific about imparting and improving quality education. With a deep insight and forethoughts about the future hopes of students, we have been renovating the techniques and strategies. Our alumni students take pride being students of Kshatriya. They gain name and fame in all the arena including ISRO.

Having fully equipped with knowledge and wisdom, they shine everywhere. They can cope up with new curriculum. Not only that-the students enjoy lab facilities for all discipline, smart classes, Co-curricular activities and club activities. Developing morality and discipline has been the prime concern. Our school aims at developing good citizens ultimately.