
Assessment & Evaluation

Class VI – VIII : The assessment structure comprises of Three Terms.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (40 Marks) FA (a) Activity based (20 Marks)
FA (b) Test based VI- VIII (20 Marks)

Formative Assessment FA (a) Activity based Assessment

  • It is a broad based measure on the learner’s participation and involvement in learning activities.
  • Individual or group activity can be carried out.
  • Since assessment is based on performance of learners in activities rote memorization is avoided and lead to meaningful learning.
  • Out of four activities per term the best two can be selected for assessment for each student

Formative Assessment FA (b) Test based Assessment

  • It is conducted either during the learning process, or at the end of a lesson to find the growth in learning and to assess the achievement level of Students.
  • It is conducted for a shorter duration (15 to 20 minutes) using the question paper.
  • It is a measurement used to ensure Students achievement level.
  • It helps teachers to follow diagnostic and remedial measures.
  • Out of four tests conducted for each term two test score is taken for assessment, by awarding twenty marks for it.

Formative Assessment FA (c) Activity based Assessment

  • Students should do all the experiments following the guidelines given in their Text book and record them neatly.
  • Each experiment is assessed for ten marks based on the assessment Criteria.
  • Minimum four experiments should be conducted and assessed
  • After awarding marks for 40(4X10) find its average and take it as the final Score.

Summative Assessment (60)

  • SA evaluates the learning Achievement of learners through test at the end of the term.
  • SA could be conducted based on blueprint for 60 marks with the duration of 2 hours.
  • Allocation of category of questions includes knowledge-20%, Understanding-30%, application-30%, Skills-20%.

Formative and summative Assessments are carried out while learning and after learning respectively.

It is a method to assess the acquisition of all skills-knowledge understanding, application, and skills.

Class IX : Common Examination.

Total Marks : 100.
  • Students have to secure 35 Marks out of 100 in all the Subjects.

Class X : Board Examination.

Total Marks : 100.
  • Students have to secure 35 Marks out of 100 in all the Subjects.
  • In the Science Subject, students have to secure 15 Marks out of 25 Marks in Practical and 20 Marks out of 75 Marks in Theory.

Class XI & XII : Board Examination.

Total Marks : 100.
  • Students have to secure 35 Marks out of 100 in all the Subjects.
  • Science Group Students have to secure 20 Marks out of 30 in Practical and Internal Assessment. They have to secure 15 Marks out of 70 Marks in Theory.
  • In Maths and Arts Subject, Students have to secure 25 Marks out of 90 Marks.


Total Marks: 10

I. ATTENDENCE – Maximum 2 Marks

  • 80.01% to 100 % – 2 Marks
  • 75% to 80% – 1 Mark

II. INTERNAL TEST – – Maximum 4 Marks

  • For Every Subjects, Students have to attend Four Internal Assessment Tests for 25 Marks.
  • Out of Four Test, Best Three is taken and it is converted to 4 Marks.


IV. CLUB ACTIVITIES – Maximum 2 Marks

  • Students have to select any 3 from the following 33 club activities.
  • 2 Marks is awarded for their participation.
  • Name of the Clubs